Thursday, December 28, 2017

End of one year, beginning of the next

Sigh - I keep doing this - having a great time writing, but then slowing down and eventually stopping. However, this time I'm starting back up BEFORE the new year! :-)

So, for 2018, I have a few Warmachine goals that I'd like to write down and share:
1- I want to have fully painted Minions. Currently (though this will change in less than a month), I own almost the full faction - including both major subgroups and many of the outliers. However, only about 67% of this is painted. So, I am going to shelve my fears and worries, apply my PRC skills (something I learned earlier this year on how to manage DESPITE the migraines), and paint - even if it's not perfect, I'm just going to paint.

2- Play Warmachine! My goal is to play 100 games in 2018. And the way I am going to track them is by writing about them here! This will actually be a hard goal to reach, and will require me to play in more tournaments. This is because my local gaming group only plays one game a week, so I will generally only get one game a week. As you can tell, that's only half of the goal. If I want to reach my goal, I need to play eight - nine games every month. That is going to require at least one tournament! And Lock 'n Load :-)

3- Improve my Warmachine skills. This is simple - in the course of playing those 100 games, I want to win at least 51% of them. Right now, I'm not sure I can say that. By the end of the year, I want to confidently state that I have won more games than I have lost :-) However, attached to that is also being able to play at more competitive events. I like the beer and pretzels games at my local club - but every once in a while, especially after reading Jaden Iwaasa's blog LOS Warmachine, I want to play in a hard-core game! So I'm going to go ahead and sign up for Master's at Lock 'n Load. I'm going to go to some of those big tournaments in Seattle. I may even go to one in Portland :-) All to give me a little different perspective on what works in this game, and apply it to my skills and army.

With all of that in mind, I am going to be shelving my Thornfall Alliance models for a while. Not because I don't still love them (because I do!), but because I really don't like the warlocks in ADR this year for the Farrow. However, the two warlocks for the Blindwater are my favorite for that side of the faction, and so will be playing them.

My initial two lists will be published on a following post - probably tomorrow morning. Thanks for reading, and get ready for a great 2018!