Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Battle Report #6: Khador (Sorscha) vs Cryx (Deneghra)

Second game with my wife, this time with a better understanding of just how scary Deneghra can be, especially in small games. However, I don't think I will give as much help to my wife, so maybe I can do a little better ;)

Same lists as the first game:
- Destroyer
- Destroyer

- Twitch (Slayer)
- Spew (Defile)
- Gimpy (Deathripper)
- Clank (Deathripper)

The rolloff for first turn was won by me, and I elected to go first.

Khador - Turn 1
In retrospect, I probably should have went second. :/ The Destroyers move on, along with Sorscha. Focus is allocated, but not used. Everybody simply walks forward. Mainly because I am trying to stay as far from Deneghra as possible, until I'm ready to put the smackdown on. Sorscha does cast Wind Rush for +2 DEF.

Cryx - Turn 1
Cryx moves on the board on the left side, moving halfway up the board thanks to how fast they are. Holy crap! Moving 7" on and then running 14" is really huge when the board is only 30" wide. Gimpy runs into the center woods, with Spew moving in behind him (but out of the woods). Clank ran up the left side, approaching the flag. Twitch advanced to 10" away from my Destroyer. Deneghra walked up, and arced a couple boosted Venoms onto Sorscha and the Destroyer, for no real damage.

No picture of this turn.

Khador - Turn 2
So, I kept out of Deneghra's feat range, which was nice, and now lets kill some 'jacks. First, I made a big mistake here. I forgot about Boundless Charge. I knew that Twitch was 10" away, and assumed I wouldn't be able to get to him because I was only SPD 4. However, Boundless Charge gives +2" of movement on the charge, so I could have gotten to him. Then a couple of whacks with my axe and I could have easily dropped the heavy.

Instead, Sorscha hit Gimpy with a boosted Freezing Grip, making the little guy Stationary (and DEF5). The Destroyers then sat still and aimed at him, wanting to remove the arc node. The two shots left Gimpy on only 3 boxes, with cortex and movement out. Not exactly the result I was looking for.

Cryx - Turn 2
This is where my wife completely surprised me. Rather than advancing or charging everything into my 'jacks, she repositioned. Clank moved into base with the flag on the left. Gimpy moved out of the woods to the right, and Spew ran to base the flag on the right. Deneghra moved around the woods, used her Feat, and cast Scourge onto the Destroyer next to Sorscha, knocking them both down. She then hits Sorscha with Crippling Grasp.

Twitch then charged into the Destroyer and tried to whack him. It didn't go well. :)

No picture of this turn, again.
Score 0-2
Advantage Cryx

Khador - Turn 3
Hmm, that's not good. I didn't expect her to go for scenario. I need to contest the right flag, or she's going to win by moving Deneghra into base contact (and losing on scenario in a Rumble would be embarrassing). So the right hand Destroyer moves up 2" (his new speed *sigh*) to be (just barely) within 4" and shoots into the cluster of 'jacks and Deneghra. He kills Gimpy, knocks out the head and cortex of Spew, and puts a couple damage boxes onto Deneghra (she ignores five of it, though).

Sorscha stands up, feats, and moves to the right a little, to support that Destroyer. The left Destroyer stands up and prepares to wale on Twitch - but not killing him!! Three focus, and I left Twitch on two boxes. *shakes head*
Cryx should have scored another point, but we spaced it.

Score: 0-2 (should be 0-3)
Advantage Cryx

Cryx - Turn 3
She knows she's got me on the ropes, so upkeeps Crippling Grasp, and shakes Stationary on herself and her 'jacks (sitting on 1 focus), and runs through the forest to the left side flag (away from all my stuff), basing the flag. Clank then charges the Destroyer, scratching his paint, and Twitch does some more scratching.

Spew limps forward and blocks out the right-hand Destroyer. Cryx scores two points.

Score: 0-4 (should be 0-5)
Advantage Cryx
Khador - Turn 4
Only one chance to win - assassination. Destroyer backs up, taking two free strikes. Twitch does nothing (both his arms are crippled) but Clank hits. Sadly, he does the perfect amount of damage to disable the Destroyer's gun :( So boosting to hit only gives me two dice, and I miss. Scatter comes back and to the side forever and a day, so nothing. Sorscha Wind Rushes (getting close in melee range of Twitch), casts Boundless Charge (because Crippling Grasp stole 2" SPD), and charges Deneghra (Twitch missed the free strike on one die). Both Sorscha and Deneghra are now bssing the flag. I need to boost to hit, though (Crippling Grasp again) and ... miss. Buy an attack and pray ... and hit! Wahoo - but I only do five damage, which Deneghra voids with her last focus. :(

No picture this turn...
Score 1-4
Advantage Cryx

Cryx - Turn 4
She just smiles, and wins on scenario 1-6. Actually, she won the previous round 0-5, but oh well.

The happy victor

Time for a rematch, again, but I've really got to find a way to defeat Deneghra or my wife is going to roll all over me. Honestly, I don't even have any real take-aways except fighting Deneghra sucks...

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