Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Khador Journeyman League

I recently (actually, it's been a month, holy cow!) talked my wife into playing Warmachine with me. After a lot of discussion over armies, models, and aesthetics, she decided she wanted to play Cryx (I think mostly because I had a MkII Battlebox unassembled at home). Since trying to teach two systems to her would be overwhelming, I decided I would play my Khador against her.

I then discovered I had married a gaming snob. She won't play with unpainted miniatures! She also won't play against unpainted miniatures! Oh, man - that means I actually have to paint my Khador! (Man, that's a lot of excitement there) She wanted to learn the complete hobby process, and I think she wanted me to pick up my brush because I've been missing it for a while (shaky hands to not make for perfect miniatures). So, as we start on this journey, I paint my Khador.

First, the scheme. I don't like all red armies, so I spent a lot of time thinking of what scheme I wanted my Khador to be. I kept coming back to the 5th Border Legion. So, rather than fight it, gave in and picked that scheme!

In another post, as I paint more of these guys, I will discuss the colors used to paint my Khador. For now, just pictures!

Since my wife was using Cryx's MkII Battlebox, I thought I would use Khador's MkII Battlebox. However, she has a distinct advantage, as the MkIII points puts her way ahead. Oh, well.

Warcaster: Kommander Sorscha

Heavy warjack: Destroyer (they call him Thumper!)

Heavy warjack: Destroyer (Boom-shakka)

And a group shot of her battle group (yes, I do realize it's not quite the MkII box, but it's close enough):

And finally, just because I'm that kind of guy, I've magnetized both of the heavy 'jacks! That's right, I can run them as Juggernauts or Destroyers (or Decimators, when I get the bits) :)

On another front, when we jump up to 25 points, each of us will be adding our 'casters Character Warjack (in my case, Beast09) and a solo. I already had Beast09 - painted even! This was done as a commission a couple years ago, and the model is a conversion onto the plastic chassis. The only part of this model I did was the base!

Thanks for reading, and expect battle reports soon!

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