Sunday, January 14, 2018

Journeyman League 2018

We have officially started our Journeyman League here on the Palouse, and it's off to a ... slow start. :-) When I started this, there were three new people interested in joining us, as well as two people who've played only a little, and then three veterans. On the first day, we had three people come. :-(

But, this next week should go a lot better. One of the new people is coming (I don't think the other two are, but hopefully), one (maybe both) of the "journeymen", and hopefully all three veterans. It will be fun!

For this league, the veterans have the option of playing two armies - one from Hordes and one from Warmachine. Mainly, this is because we have large enough collections that we can build armies that are diverse enough to give everybody a different army, as well as the experience to be able to effectively do it. We are mostly following the Journeyman League 2017 rules (found here), with a couple modifications:
- Battle box armies are not required at the start. You can build any 0-pt army you want, with the caveat that your warcaster/warlock has to be a Prime version (so have a '1' after their name).
- No character warjacks/warbeasts in the first week.
- Two weeks between each point increase.

So, with all of that said, we had two games happen this week (I went back on Friday and played my game). The first was a Cryx vs. Cryx slugfest! Skarre1 faced off against Asphyxious1:

Pirate Queen Skarre [+28] Iron Lich Asphyxious [+28]
- Seether [13] - Reaper [13]
- Deathripper [6] - Ripjaw [7]
- Defiler [8] - Ripjaw [7]

In a wild ride, Asphyxious won by assassination, but we found out later that there are two victory conditions - assassination or killing all of the enemy's warjacks. This would have resulted in a Skarre victory.

The second (my game) was Barnabas1 into Reznik1 - which when I looked at the models facing me, had me really worried! The lists consisted of:

Bloody Barnabas [+28] High Executioner Reznik [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Castigator [12]
- Boneswarm [7] - Reckoner [16]
- Bull Snapper [5]

As you may have noticed, there's a distinct lack of ability to handle the two heavies the High Executioner is bringing to the table. Luckily, I won the roll to go first, moving up into Barnabas' Swamp Pit the first turn. The second turn, he moves up base-to-base with an obstruction and puts the Swamp Pit right in front of the two Protectorate heavies. The Blackhide then moves up within 9", so he will be able to charge the next round. The two lights move up beside him, to provide some support.

Reznik moves up on his turn and attempts to hit Barnabas with the hopes of dropping the Swamp Pit (still not sure if this would work). However, due to the obstruction giving cover, he misses! Realizing Reznik is exposed, he runs the Castigator into melee range of the Blackhide and the Boneswarm, and covers Reznik with the Reckoner.

Barnabas then moves over (on turn 3), puts Rage on both the Boneswarm and Bull Snapper, and feats. The Blackhide demolishes the Castigator (though it took all of his Fury), and then the two lights charge Reznik, killing the Protectorate priest! Wahoo, Gators win their first game! :-)

So, as stated earlier, veterans get to run two lists. Below are my two lists, with their (expected) progressions through the Journeyman League:

@ 0-points
Bloody Barnabas [+28] Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Kodiak [13]
- Bull Snapper [5]

@ 15-points
Bloody Barnabas [+28] Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Ruin [17]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]

@ 30-points
Bloody Barnabas [+28] Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Ruin [17]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Shocktroopers [10]
- Bull Snapper [5] - MoW Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Gatorman Posse [16]

@ 45-points
The Blindwater Congregation Armored Corps
Barnabas, Lord of Blood [+23] Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov [+28]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0] - Kodiak [13]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Ruin [17]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Kovnik [0]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Drakhun [9]
- Bull Snapper [5] Man-o-War Shocktroopers [16]
Gatorman Posse [16] - MoW Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Gatorman Bokor & Swamp Shamblers [10]

@ 60-points
The Blindwater Congregation Armored Corps
Barnabas, Lord of Blood [+23] Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov [+28]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0] - Kodiak [13]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Ruin [17]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Kovnik [0]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Kovnik [0]
- Bull Snapper [5] Man-o-War Drakhun [9]
Bone Shrine [2] Man-o-War Shocktroopers [16]
Bone Shrine [2] - MoW Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Gatorman Posse [16] Man-o-War Shocktroopers [10]
Gatorman Bokor & Swamp Shamblers [10] - MoW Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]

@ 75-points
The Blindwater Congregation Armored Corps
Barnabas, Lord of Blood [+23] Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov [+28]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0] - Kodiak [13]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16] - Kodiak [13]
- Boneswarm [7] - Ruin [17]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Kovnik [0]
- Boneswarm [7] Man-o-War Kovnik [0]
- Bull Snapper [0] Man-o-War Drakhun [9]
Kwaak Slickspine & Gub, Croak Sorcerers [4] Man-o-War Drakhun [9]
Bone Shrine [2] Man-o-War Shocktroopers [16]
Bone Shrine [2] - MoW Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Gatorman Posse [16] Man-o-War Shocktroopers [16]
Gatorman Posse [16] - MoW Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Gatorman Bokor & Swamp Shamblers [10]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]

That's the next three months - hopefully by the end I will have two fully painted 75-point armies!

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