Monday, January 22, 2018

Journeyman League - Barnabas

A few days ago, I posted that my gaming group (small though it is) has started a Journeyman League. This was to get us old veterans into checking out a new army and, hopefully, bring in some new players. We did get one new player (he played back in Mk I), and we have two newer players that are restarting their learning experience from the bottom.

One of the perks of the being a veteran in the group, and to provide a little more variety, is that a veteran can run two armies - one from each of the systems. So, in this article, I'd like to run through the Journeyman progression for my Barnabas list.

First, to review, our modified Journeyman rules are as follows:
1) A player may start using any prime warcaster/warlock (which means they have a '1' next to their name). You must start with a 0-point army, and must spend enough points to be within 4 points of each point level.
2) Character warjacks/warbeasts are not allowed in the first week. However, provided you have the points, you may add them at any point increase.
3) Every two weeks, the army will increase in points by 15 points. The first increase in points is still battlegroup only (only warjacks/warbeasts).
4) Points will not be scored, as participation is encouraged more as we attempt to add new players. In future JML's, we will revisit scoring.
5) All other rules for the JML are followed.

For my Hordes army, I decided to run Barnabas. I did this for several reasons:
- One of my goals for 2018 is to have all of my Minions fully painted by the end of the year. This list (more on it later) will have me painting two full units of Posse (I do have two painted, but need a "reason" to paint the other two), as well as many of the new units coming out in a couple of weeks. It will also force me to paint my unit of Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers. :-)
- I really like Bloody Barnabas, but the model for Barnabas, Lord of Blood is amazing! I am relatively sure he is going to be my new favorite.
- I am really familiar with Minions, even the Gator side, and so will be able to concentrate more on the new models, rather than having to stress a completely new army.

With all of that being said, let's delve into the army as it progresses from a 0-point battle box to a fully fledged (and hopefully fully painted) 75-point army.

@ 0-points
Bloody Barnabas [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]

This is straight out of the rules as one of the battle boxes for Minions. Truthfully, though, it's not very good for Barnabas. Barnabas likes infantry with his spell list, and he likes shooting with his Feat. Neither of those are present in this list. However, this sets up Barnabas2 really well! With a couple additions to his battlegroup, Barnabas2 will do well. So, I will just have to weather the storm until I reach 45 points.

@ 15-points
Bloody Barnabas [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]

As you can see, I simply added two Boneswarms - again with the Barnabas2 list in mind. Boneswarms are going to be good, I think, as soon as the Boil Master/Spirit Cauldron are released. With the ability to easily get corpse tokens, these relatively light-hitting warbeasts become as hard-hitting as heavy warbeasts! And as hard to remove! :-) Again, this is not really optimal for Barnabas1, especially without the ability to easily gain corpse tokens (an Ironback Spitter would probably be better), but the intention is to change to Barnabas2, so they work.

@ 30-points
The Blindwater Congregation theme
Bloody Barnabas [+28]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]
Gatorman Posse [16]

Playing one point down during the last session helped, as it allows me to add a Posse. And being able to add the Blindwater Congregation theme makes those Posse members bigger and nastier! With 40 wounds in the unit, they become an excellent target for Death March (+2 MAT and Vengeance never hurts anybody) but, more importantly, they are still excellent under Barnabas2, becoming much more survivable thanks to Execration of Blackest Night and faster with Onslaught.

@ 45-points
The Blindwater Congregation theme
Barnabas, Lord of Blood [+23]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]
Gatorman Posse [16]
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers [10]

Awesome-sauce! It's time to transition into Barnabas2 and get ready for the excitement to start. While still not completely optimal, it's getting closer. While 5 points are lost in the transition to Barnabas2 (due to warbeast point differentials), it's (kind of) made up for by being able to take the Soul Slave for free. At this point level, a unit of Shamblers is added (making great Feat targets), which allows me to add the Soul Slave for free. The Soul Slave, I think, is going to be very common with Barnabas2, allowing him to upkeep Onslaught for free and casting Hunter's Mark or Blood Rain as needed. And while his Magic Ability [4] is kind of disappointing, he can boost if he needs to. :-)

@ 60-points
The Blindwater Congregation theme
Barnabas, Lord of Blood [+23]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [5]
Bone Shrine [2]
Bone Shrine [2]
Gatorman Posse [16]
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers [10]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]

The list is starting to come together! :-) The Boil Master is now here, two of them in fact, fueling Barnabas, the Boneswarms, and the Bokor with his Shamblers. The hitting power and survivability of this army has amped up, and the Bone Shrines give the ability to channel spells (probably situational) and Fury for Barnabas to more fully whack an opposing army.

@ 75-points
The Blindwater Congregation theme
Barnabas, Lord of Blood [+23]
- Gatorman Soul Slave [0]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Boneswarm [7]
- Bull Snapper [0]
Kwaak Slickspine & Gub, Croak Sorcerers [4]
Bone Shrine [2]
Bone Shrine [2]
Gatorman Posse [16]
Gatorman Posse [16]
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers [10]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]

Again playing a point down last level allows me to bring in a max unit of Posse - increasing both my hitting power and my survivability. This also allows me to take the Bull Snapper for free, letting me put Kwaak Slickspine & Gub into the list. I'm not completely sold on these guys, I think Mud Foot is likely a trap and not being able to avoid free strikes makes Enliven less appealing, but I'm willing to give them a shot. Heal [D3] is always nice, especially when cast twice, as is a SP8, POW10 magic attack that causes Corrosion. But I'm also looking at Long Chops - RNG12 POW14 is tailor-made for solo hunting. Or I could just add the Bull Snapper's points back in and take a Totem Hunter. As stated, this will require some testing.

All in all, this will be a fun list. Lots of bodies to provide scenario pressure, the ability to trade up warbeasts and infantry recursion to help in the attrition game, and a 'caster who provides a serious melee assassination threat make this a fun list - especially in a JML - that has all of the tools to handle multiple situations and win conditions. And while he's not a Butcher3, I think Barnabas2 is going to be a melee monster!

Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave any comments you may have!

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