Monday, January 1, 2018

Masters Jaga-Jaga list

Well, it's been a few days since discussing my first list (see here) and it's time to get started discussing the second. Before I jump in, though, let me talk about my weekend. I went to a local steamroller with my two lists, and did ... horrible. I went 0-3 (though technically 1-2 since I had a "bye" the first round), and faced Butcher 3 twice. This guy is broken, and I hope he gets reigned in A LOT in the next Khador CID, whenever that is. But to be honest, part of the reason I lost (probably a large part) was bad play on my part and unfamiliarity with the lists. Hopefully this will change as the year progresses. Look for the battle reports of my three games as the week progresses.

Ok, with that out of the way, let's get down to the meat of this post - Jaga-Jaga's list for the future. In the same manner as with Barnabas, we will examine the warlock and see what makes her so cool. This is especially important with Jaga-Jaga, as she changed so much after the Blindwater CID released.

First up, her spell list - which, personally, goes way beyond Signs & Portents (though that is a great spell!):
Battle Host: An upkeep spell with a huge range (CTRL) that I haven't heard much talked about. It gives her warbeasts +2" movement (not SPD, so be careful) when advancing. If one of her warbeasts is within 3" of her, she also gets +2 ARM. Extra movement is always nice, giving our 'beasts a better chance at getting that alpha strike.
Deadweight: An offensive spell that I've never heard discussed either, that I think is being overlooked. When you destroy an enemy model (living or undead), choose a model within 2" of it. The chosen model must forfeit either its Movement or its Combat Action during its next activation. This is HUGE! The effect is unshakable, so target a squishy warrior next to a Warcaster/Warlock (like Butcher 3) or a warjack/warbeast and remove its effectiveness next turn! It's short ranged, so best used with an arc node (like the Blindwalker :-) ).
Ghost Walk: A cheap way to bypass terrain, this makes a model or unit (unit is nice!) Ghostly for one turn. Besides the benefits of just going through the terrain, Ghostly also allows the models to ignore free strikes! :-)
Grave Wind: An upkeep spell which grants +2 DEF and Poltergeist. This only affects a single model, so make sure it's on your important ones (say Jaga-Jaga?) Sadly, since it's an upkeep, you can't put both Battle Host (for ARM buff) and this (for DEF buff) on Jaga-Jaga.
Signs & Portents: Her new signature spell, and the main reason the internet seems to like her, this spell allows all friendly Faction models (since when would she be playing with non-friendly Faction?) in her control range to roll an additional die on all attack and damage rolls. This cannot be overstated, really - HUGE! Very rarely will anything affected by this spell not remove their target.

Her feat, Vengeful Spirits, is a little confusing. It reads:
Choose up to d3+5 enemy models currently in Jaga-Jaga's control range. Remove from play one friendly Faction warrior model within 5" of each chosen enemy model. Each chosen enemy model suffers a magical damage roll with POW equal to the base ARM of the corresponding removed model. Models destroyed by Vengeful Spirits are removed from play.

My biggest problem with her feat is not its mechanic, but its wording. It's ambiguous, and Privateer Press deliberately left it this way. Most people don't feel it's ambiguous, but my initial reading of it is different than what was intended. If I had never asked the rules question, but just assumed my interpretation was correct, I would have been in for a sad, and rude, awakening at a tournament. Really, I just hate ambiguous rules.

Anyway, simply put, it's a souped up version of the Witch Doctor's Sacrificial Strike, removing one of my models to automatically hit an enemy model. While this has been poo-poo'd across the internet, it can actually be very powerful. Use it to take out pesky incorporeal models, high DEF models, Stealth'd models, or anything that is difficult to hit. While not game-breaking, when employed correctly I think it will surprise people as to how effective it is.

Finally, Jaga-Jaga's abilities:
- Field Marshal [Death Rage] - a cool ability that gives her warbeasts one last swing before they die. This can be really good on the Blackhide.
- Poison (on her weapon Serpent Strike) - this gives her an additional die on her damage rolls when using her RNG 2, chain weapon zombie snake. That means on the charge, if she cast Signs & Portents first, she rolls five dice, dropping the lowest, against living models!

After my initial list musings, I decided I really wanted to abuse Signs & Portents. So rather than follow my typical list-building method (pick a theme and build around it), I decided I didn't want theme, as it opened up the chance to take the best models to abuse this powerful spell:

- Farrow Brigands - With Prey (thanks to the Brigand Warlord), these guys can threat 15" with a RAT7, POW14 gun that will be rolling three dice on attack and damage rolls. I have vaporized Trollblood and Khador heavies with LESS than one squad of these guys. With 12 shots, they can decimate their Prey at range. And they aren't slouches in melee, either (MAT8/P+S12 vs. their Prey), unlike most ranged units. Add in Hog Wild (shoot, then charge/run), Dig In (a *ACTION now instead of an order), and Reposition [3"], they are really jacks-of-all-trades that are pretty effective at most of them.
- Efaarit Scouts - Originally, way back in the beginning of Mk III, I hated these guys. They just looked dumb and I didn't think they were worth 6 points. Then I started running them in Thornfall Alliance as free models, and realized how stupid good they were. Their MOV 9(!) and RNG 12 guns give them a 21" threat. Armor-Piercing means even Khador heavies are only Dice -3, and Marksman allows them to pick the column or branch. With Reposition [5"], this model should always be at least 17" from an enemy, Add in Signs & Portents, and you have a highly mobile strike team that won't kill a heavy on its own, but will put a hurt on anything.
- Croak Hunters - Are you sensing a theme here? Another ranged solo that can really help out, its DEF 13 and Stealth helps keep it alive; while Hunter, a poison 8" spear, and Reposition [3"] allows it to move in, hit something hard, and back up to safety again. If you do catch it in combat (or it charges), Quick Work gives the possibility of two attacks (one melee, one ranged). Also, with Stealth, they can do a reasonable job of camping your flag - y'know, in case you're worried about scenario. ;-)

So, with all of that in mind, it was time to build the list. While it is not in theme, I do not believe I really lose much, as the theme benefits gained by using Croak Raiders instead of Brigands/Scouts do not even come close to outweighing the effectiveness of these models.

No theme force (GASP!)
Jaga-Jaga, the Death Charmer [+27]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Blackhide Wrastler [16]
- Ironback Spitter [14]
Croak Hunter [3]
Croak Hunter [3]
Efaarit Scouts [6]
Efaarit Scouts [6]
Farrow Brigands [15]
- Farrow Brigand Warlord [4]
Farrow Brigands [15]
- Farrow Brigand Warlord [4]

I've already discussed the non-battlegroup models, so this is strictly to determine the role of these monsters:
- Blackhide Wrastler - a beast in combat (a pun!), this guy has a P+S 17 bite and two P+S 14 claws for three initials, and can charge living warrior models for free. That makes him very efficient at getting into combat. With Rage (+3 STR), his melee damage output goes into the stratosphere (damaging Khador heavies on straight dice is fun!) He's slightly slow, but Battle Host can help with that, and once he gets into combat, he will be Snacking his way through everything. I have two because they are my only credible melee threats.
- Ironback Spitter - honestly, I already have a lot of shooting. I have him in here to stand by Jaga-Jaga (so she gets +2 ARM) and provide slightly more ranged pressure. That and a Swamp Horror was too many points. He's not useless, but he's going to be the first thing dropped when the new Blindwater stuff comes out in February (Jaga-Jaga really wants a Gatorman Soul Slave!)

That's the list pair, time to get some table time with them. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a very nicely designed list, though I think you'll find yourself out-numbered out of theme.
